Falls are a major threat to the health and independence of older adults, people aged 65 and older. Each year in the United Stated, nearly one-third of older adults experience a fall. Falls are the leading cause of injury deaths among older adults. The rate of fall-related deaths among older adults in the United States has risen significantly over the past decade. In 2004, falls were responsible for 14,900 deaths.

Falls can be devastating. Balance declines with age. About one out of ten falls among older adults result in a serious injury, such as a hip fracture or head injury, that requires hospitalization. In addition to the physical and emotional pain, many people need to spend periods of time recovering in a long term care facility.

Most falls are preventable. The opportunity to help reduce falls among older adults has never been better. Today, there are effective fall prevention interventions that can be used to lessen the rate for falls among older adults. By offering effective fall prevention programs, we can reduce and help older adults live better and longer lives. Hattie Mae’s Fall Prevention Program can help assist in the prevention of falls with services that include, but not limited to:

  • wheelchair/walker safety
  • assist with ambulation
  • exercise
  • medication reminders
  • monitor for side effects which can include dizziness
  • ensure adequate lighting
  • keep pathways clear of clutter
  • secure oxygen tubing if applicable
  • keep floors free of spills
  • light housekeeping
  • meal preparation
  • laundry
  • bed linen change
  • running errands
  • grocery shopping

Hattie Mae’s Fall Prevention Program may be just right for you or your loved one. Contact our office at 833-537-8233 to speak with one of our professional care team members to schedule a FREE in-home consultation and safety evaluation today.